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6-6 國際科學計量學和信息計量學學會(ISSI)主席比利時魯文大學Ronald Rousseau教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題  目:Recent Developments in Informetrics

主講人:Ronald Rousseau教授 國際科學計量學和信息計量學學會(ISSI)主席

時  間:2011年6月6日 下午2:30

地  點:主樓418會議室

  Ronald Rousseau is Professor associated to K.U. Leuven. He got Doctorate mathematics at University of Leuven in 1977, Higher educational degree at University of Leuven in 1983, and Doctorate library & information science at University of Antwerp in 1992. He won the Prize of the Belgian Academy of Science in 1979, Fullbright/Hays scholarship in 1981, and Derek J. de Solla Price award in scientometrics in 2001. Now, he is the President of the ISSI (International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics). His research interests are citation analysis, research evaluation, networks, bibliometric laws, and webmetrics. He has published more than 200 articles about information science, mathematics and the teaching of mathematics, as well as published the co-authored book: Introduction to Informetrics, (Elsevier), now freely available on the Internet.

  This talk deals with research evaluation, more specifically the problems related to the fact that the so-called crown indicator (as used by CWTS-Leiden) is not consistent. A solution, namely the Karolinska indicator is given. Yet also this indicator has some practical problems. Recently it has been discovered that also the impact factor behaves in an "unnatural" way in the sense that articles with zero citations can positively influence a journal's ranking. As all these problems are related to the use of average new proposals for research evaluation have seen the light. These new proposals do not use averages. Finally, some observations are made related to the social sciences and humanities in research evaluations.
