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6-19 University of Ottawa Professor Tad Murty應邀管理與經(jīng)濟學院作學術報告

題  目:Vulnerability of coastal infrastructure to natural hazards

主講人:Professor Tad Murty  University of Ottawa

時  間:2011年6月19日 上午10:00-11:30

地  點:主樓六層會議室


  Professor Tad Murty, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, Ph.D. In Meteorology& Oceanography, University of Chicago, USA ;Former Director of the Australian National Tidal Facility ; Former Director of the South Pacific sea level and climate Change Monitoring project, Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada ;Specialized in the mathematical modelling of natural hazards under climate change with applications to early warning systems, Most recently edited the storm surge guide for the WMO; Published about 400 peer reviewed scientific papers and about 100 other papers in proceedings of conferences, technical reports, internal departmental reports  etc


  After the recent tsunami in Japan, most countries on the globe are re-examining the vulnerability of their coastal infrastructure to various types of natural hazards. The two major contributors to loss of life and destruction on the coast are storm surges and tsunamis.  Here we are not considering earthquakes and river floods, since they can occur anywhere in the country, and not necessarily only at the coast. While wind waves could be damaging over the oceans, because of their short periods and wavelengths, they cannot climb land and cause damage and loss of life. Hence these will not be considered in these talks.  The only oceanic waves that can cause damage on the coast are long gravity waves: tides, storm surges and tsunamis. Even though maximum extent of coastal inundation in terms of geographical extent as well as frequency of occurrence is by tides, we do not consider tides as a natural hazard anymore, mainly because these occur at regular intervals twice a day and humans have factored this into their lives and safety by not living in the inter-tidal zone.  Hence these talks will focus upon storm surges and tsunamis only.
