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1-27 臺灣實踐大學張存炳教授學術講座:Environmental Performance, Corruption and Economic Growth: Global Evidence Using a New Data Set

題目: Environmental Performance, Corruption and Economic Growth: Global Evidence Using a New Data Set
主講人:張存炳 教授 (臺灣實踐大學)
    張存炳老師現為臺灣實踐大學行銷管理系專任教授,目前主要研究專長為能源經濟、計量經濟、產業經濟、公共經濟與政治經濟。自2007年擔任實踐大學專任教職人員來,對內的學術成就表現上,包括通過科技部專題研究計畫與課題基金8件; 2013年7月亦榮膺臺灣科技部「科學發展月刊」(Science Development),專題:「臺灣新發現」-受邀采訪學者成就 (每年篩選1-2為研究績優人員為採訪對象)。對外學術成就表現上,張教授迄今共發表SSCI源國際期刊學術論文近60餘篇,其中擔任第一作者與通訊作者約30篇。有數篇發表在政經類頂級期刊如Journal of Applied Economics, Energy Economics, European Journal of Political Economy ,Economics Letters 等,2010后發表的文章被他人引用1841多次,h指數19。12次在WEA International Conference, Pacific Rim Conference, Midwest Economics Association Annual Conference等重要國際會議上作邀請報告或會議主席。候選人亦曾擔任European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Development Economics, Public Choice 等權威期刊雜志審稿人。且經國際知名期刊生態經濟 (Ecological Economics, SSCI, IF:2.713, 2012) 評選,計調查6597篇論文主要計算根據為論文引用率與下載率,(參見Hoepner et al., 2012,Environmental and ecological economics in the 21st century: An age adjusted citation analysis of the influential articles, journals, authors and institutions, 77, 193-206.),2000-2009在環境與生態經濟學界最具影響力之學術著作全球排名第5名。著作名稱:Energy consumption and economic growth in Asian economies: A more comprehensive analysis using panel data;并名列全球最具影響力之學者排名第7名;而實踐大學因而成為此領域具影響力之學術機構排名作全球排名第27名(參見附件)。因此,在 IDEAS: Economics and Finance Research 全球最大經濟學文獻數據庫(統計標的包含13,253經濟系所,44,388經濟學家與作者),張存炳教授位居臺灣經濟學家學術排名14/168,top 10%;全亞洲排名341/ 4225, top 9%。
    This study investigates the relationship between environmental performance, corruption, and economic growth using panel data of 87 countries covering the period from 2002 to 2012. The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is used for the first time to evaluate the environmental quality on economic growth. By employing both “static” and “dynamic” panel models, we find that environmental performance is positively related to economic growth and is more significant in non-OECD countries. Moreover, when corruption is incorporated, the empirical estimation results indicate that although lower corruption helps economic growth in non-OECD countries, the negative coefficients of the three interactive terms show that the positive effect of environment performance on economic growth will drop, while greater environmental performance combined with natural resource abundance inevitably leads to inefficient bureaucracies and hence disadvantageous economic growth. As a result, policy makers in non-OECD countries should carefully ensure better government quality when they exhibit strong environmental performance so as to avoid any disadvantageous impact upon economic growth.
