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3-26 廣島大學張峻屹教授學術講座:Life-oriented Approach for Urban Policy

題目:Life-oriented Approach for Urban Policy
主講人:張峻屹 教授 廣島大學
    張峻屹教授的主要研究領域包括交通運輸規劃與管理、城市與區域規劃、環境與能源政策、旅游政策與管理等。他是市民生活行為學創始人(2015年3月專著市民生活行為學由日本土木工程學會出版,2016年世界著名出版社Springer將出版其專著LIFE-ORIENTED BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH FOR URBAN POLICY),日本交通界第一位外籍教授,主持了多項大型重點研究與教育項目。日本21世紀COE項目核心成員,日本文部省科學技術振興調整費戰略環境頂尖人才培養重點項目城市系統設計組組長,日本學術振興會科學研究費的基礎研究A類項目負責人。到2016年2月為止,已發表了330多篇有審查論文(其中50篇SCI/SSCI論文,英文論文250篇以上)和其他論文近300篇,共獲包括2014年世界智能交通(ITS)大會最優論文獎在內的日本國內外論文獎11次(最優秀論文獎8次,優秀論文獎3次)。20多家SCI/SSCI雜志論文評審專家,國際交通行為研究學會(IATBR)5名理事之一,亞洲太平洋地區最大交通學會組織亞洲交通學會(EASTS)雜志Asian Transport Studies(ATS)主編,10多家國際著名學術雜志編委。
    Urban policy decisions usually involves stakeholders from different sectors and are more likely to be ill-made due to the lack of "common languages" for mutual understanding and collaboration. This lecture presents such a "common language", called the life-oriented approach, which is an interdisciplinary approach proposed for cross-sectoral policy decisions. Recognizing that improving people's quality of life (QOL) is one of common goals of urban policies and QOL is closely linked with different life choices, the life-oriented behavioral approach argues that life choices in different domains (e.g., residence, neighborhood, health, education, work, family life, leisure and recreation, finance, and travel behavior) are not independent of each other and the ignorance and inability of understanding interdependent life choices may result in a failure of consensus building for policy decisions (including energy policy). This lecture presents evidence about behavioral interdependencies among life domains (including household energy consumption) and new research findings, and discusses future research directions.
