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4-13 中國人民大學經濟學院張曉兵博士學術講座:Prices vs quantities for multiple stock pollutants with an application to global warming

題目:Prices vs quantities for multiple stock pollutants with an application to global warming
主講人:張曉兵 博士 (中國人民大學經濟學院)
時間:2016年4月13日 9:30
    張曉兵,瑞典哥德堡大學經濟學博士,現為中國人民大學經濟學院助理教授,研究領域為能源經濟學,氣候變化政策等,已在Environmental and Resource Economics, Energy Economics, Journal of Policy Modeling, Energy Policy,《氣候變化研究進展》等國內外學術雜志發表論文多篇。
    This paper investigates the price vs quantity choice (taxes vs quotas) for multiple stock pollutants that can accumulate over time and interact mutually into abatement costs or environmental damages, when firms have private information. The analytic condition for favoring quotas over taxes was obtained for a case of symmetric pollutants and numerical simulations were conducted for the more general case. Moreover, an empirical application to global warming suggests that it is optimal for the regulator to choose a mixed policy that implements taxes on CO2 and quotas on methane.
