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5-5 中國人民大學陸方文副教授講座:Learning to Manage and Managing to Learn: The Effects of Student Leadership Service

題目:Learning to Manage and Managing to Learn: The Effects of Student Leadership Service
主講人:陸方文 副教授 (中國人民大學)
    陸方文副教授,2011年在加州大學伯克利分校獲得經濟學博士學位。2011年起任教于中國人民大學經濟學院,研究領域為:發展經濟學,實驗經濟學,應用計量經濟學。陸博士的研究成果發表在Management Science,Journal of Public Economics,Journal of Labor Economics,Journal of Development Economics等頂級期刊。
    Employers and colleges value individuals with leadership service, but there is limited evidence on whether leadership service itself creates skills. Identification in this context has proved difficult because settings in which leadership service accrues to individuals for ostensibly random reasons are rare. In this study we estimate the effects of random assignment to classroom leadership positions in a Chinese secondary school. We find that leadership service increases test scores, increases students’ political popularity in the classroom, makes students more likely to take initiative, and shapes students’ beliefs about the determinants of success. The results suggest that leadership service may impact human capital and is not solely a signal of pre-existing skills.
