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5-17 Delft University of Technology Scott W. Cunningham教授學術講座:Publishing in Engineering and Technology Management Journals

題目:Publishing in Engineering and Technology Management Journals
主講人:Scott W. Cunningham
時間:2016年5月17日 15:00-16:30
    Scott W. Cunningham,荷蘭代爾夫特理工大學政策研究及系統工程專業教授,技術管理領域著名期刊《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》雜志和《International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management》副主編,英國蘇塞克斯大學(University of Sussex)科技創新政策博士。曾在代爾夫特理工大學與哈爾濱工業大學的合作辦學項目任教,出版《Forecasting and Management of Technology》(第2版,Wiley出版社,2011),曾就職于美國電話電報公司及多家大型數據庫公司,從事以數據分析支撐決策指定的工作,并擔任電子產品制造業顧問,致力于通過決策方法研究、內容分析法、博弈論進行技術分析和戰略管理。此外,他還是Portland International Conference on the Management of Engineering & Technology (PICMET)和The International Conference on Innovative Methods for Innovation Management and Policy程序委員會委員,Technological Forecasting & Social Change, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Scientometrics, PLoS ONE, Engineering and Technology Management等國際期刊的審稿人。
    This lecture describes the state of current research in engineering and technology management journals, ending with recommendations for those new to scientific publication. In the first part of the lecture I set forth the history of the field of engineering and technology management, noting its early multidisciplinary outgrowth from fields such as operations research and systems engineering. The field has grown further specialized, resulting in distinctive and increasingly separate literatures on engineering and on technology. The engineering management subfield is often characteristically interested in the management of engineering personnel, and on the financing and management of project organizations. In contrast the field of technology management is interested in the unique organizational challenges faced by those adopting, or producing, new technologies. This subfield often considers sectoral and strategic implications of new technology. Information and knowledge management are also an important subfield of research. The newest challenges in all three of these subfields are, I argue, the analysis of strategic behaviour, and cooperation and negotiation of large engineering projects. Prominent journals in the field include IEEE Journal of Engineering Management, Futures, Research Policy, Technological Forecasting and Social Change and Technovation. These are all interdisciplinary journals. Characteristic of interdisciplinary journals, the audience is large and fragmented, resulting in comparatively low citations compared to other journals say in management or in economics. However a renewed appreciation of the role of technology in modern society has led to widespread acceptance of engineering and technology studies in schools of business, management and engineering. This in turn has resulted in a major influx of new submitted publications for these journals. In the final parts of the lecture I describe my experiences as an editor of Technological Forecasting and Social Change. The journal is increasingly looking for submissions well-within its scope. I define this scope. I give some examples of representative articles which are highly cited in the journal, or which have been particularly and recently of interest for online communities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change is an Elsevier journal and therefore has processes which are fairly similar across the Elsevier journals. I describe an end-to-end process of article preparation, submission, review and potential revision and publication.
