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8-26 臺灣開南大學莊淳凌副教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題  目:供應商選擇問題 (Supplier Selection Problem)

主講人:莊淳凌副教授 臺灣開南大學

時  間:2011年8月26日 下午3:30

地  點:主樓六層會議室


  莊淳凌博士、副教授任教于開南大學資訊管理學系,美國愛荷華大學(The University of Iowa)工業工程學系博士。大學任教有七年之年資,且有十四年制造及服務業工作經驗,經常受邀擔任企業顧問。主要從事診斷問題、解決問題、及工作改善。在研究方面較著重于企業實務應用。以企業問題為導向,應用基礎理論方法,用以解決企業實務問題。研究領域以供應鏈管理、銀行管理及決策分析為主。教授課程:供應鏈管理、人力資源管理、知識管理、及客戶關系管理及研究方法等。


  Supply Chain Management (SCM) as one key aspect was taken into account in the improvement of their business strategies. Supplier selection is a critical problem for SCM. There are four main issues considered in supplier selection problem. In lecture, it will talk about supplier selection to reduce the supplier base and the determination of order quantity. Supplier selection decision relates to the determination of the number of suppliers, as well as the selection of specific suppliers based on the consideration of important criteria, such as quality, lead-time, costs, quality, capacities, among others. Moreover, the main issues in supplier selection will be mentioned.
