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【明理講堂2021年第28期】6-3密歇根大學Jun Li 教授:Crowdfunding the Front Lines: An Empirical Study of Teacher-Driven School Improvement

講座時間:北京時間 2021年6月3日(周四)晚上 21:30-23:00

騰訊會議:504 765 506

主講人:密歇根大學Jun Li 教授


Jun Li博士畢業于賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院,現為密歇根大學Stephen M. Ross商學院的技術和運營副教授。長期從事實證運營管理和商業分析方面的研究,涉及收入管理和定價、醫療保健管理、供應鏈風險、企業社會責任以及公共部門運營。研究成果發表在Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Operations Research和Production and Operations Management等運營管理領域國際頂級期刊。研究成果曾獲INFORMS收入管理和定價實踐獎和Management Science最佳論文獎等多項論文獎勵,并被《經濟學人》、《紐約時報》、CNN、福布斯等美國國家公共電臺及主流媒體所報道。Jun Li教授目前擔任Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Operations Research和Production and Operations Management等運營管理領域國際頂級期刊的副主編。


Education technology (EdTech) companies are altering the education landscape. In this paper, we study DonorsChoose, a nonprofit that operates a teacher crowdfunding platform. Given the K--12 system is hard to improve, we ask whether DonorsChoose moves the needle on effectiveness and inequality. Combining DonorsChoose data with data on student test scores in Pennsylvania from 2012--2013 to 2017--2018, we find an increase in the number of DonorsChoose projects funded at a school leads to higher student performance, after controlling for selection biases. For a school with zero project, one funded project (about $400 in value) achieves about 2 to 9 additional students, on average, scoring at the basic and above on all tested subjects in high school and on science and ELA in primary and middle schools. These effects are driven primarily by teacher projects from the lowest income schools. Based on a textual analysis of over 20 thousands of statements from all funded teachers describing how resources are used, we find two channels of improvement most effective in the lowest income schools. Our study suggests that those in the education sector can harness the wisdom of frontline workers -- teachers -- to improve effectiveness and equity.
