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【明理講堂2023年第84期】11-23東南大學薛巍立教授:Buy Online and Return Instore in Omnichannel Operations

報告題目:Buy Online and Return Instore in Omnichannel Operations



報告人:東南大學 薛巍立 教授


薛巍立,東南大學教授、博導、經濟偉德國際1946bv官網副院長。主要研究方向為品類與庫存管理,數字化運營管理。在Management Science, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science等管理科學國際主流SCI/SSCI發表論文40多篇。主持了包括國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金(2018年)、國家自然科學基金重點項目(2022年)在內的多項國家級和省部級項目;獲得了江蘇省哲學社會科學優秀成果三等獎等多個科研獎項。


In this paper, we develop a stylized model to study the value of buy online and return instore (BORS). Specifically, we consider a setting in which an online retailer and a physical store sell substitutable products and cooperate to provide consumers with a BORS option. We first characterize the consumers channel visiting behaviors with the introduction of BORS under exogenous selling prices, i.e., the return channel shift effect—online consumers who used to return online choose the return offline as an alternative, and the purchase channel shift effect—store consumers may switch to online by trying online products with delayed travel costs. Second, under endogenous selling prices, we find that BORS may mitigates channel competition when the uncertainty of online products is low. Such a mitigation reduces both channel shift effects due to the increased channel shift costs borne by consumers. Moreover, there could be a reverse purchase channel shift, in which online consumers visit the physical store directly at purchase stage. Finally, we show that BORS is more likely to achieve a “win-win” outcome when the online retailer shares a higher proportion of the return handling costs, as sharing more return handling costs enables the online retailer to alleviate channel competition and motivate the physical store to participate in BORS. Those above results are robust when both channels bargaining on the cost sharing ratio. Our findings can help firms understand the underlying mechanism of BORS and exploit BORS in an omnichannel setting.
