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【明理講堂2022年第37期】10-4南昌大學李建強教授 :How does green finance affect green total factor productivity? Evidence from China



報告人:南昌大學經濟偉德國際1946bv官網李建強 教授


李建強,1972年生,南昌大學經濟偉德國際1946bv官網教授,博導,杰出人才,國際能源經濟與金融研究院負責人, 江西省創新領軍人才。研究方向為能源經濟學及綠色金融。在RePEc發布的全球經濟學家排名位居亞洲前1%;獲2021愛思唯爾“中國高被引學者”;以第一作者或通訊作者發表SSCI論文200余篇,被國內外同行引用17000余次。出版2本專著包括:全球能源經濟發展的特征研究--評估、影響與比較分析; 現代能源經濟學。發表的國際期刊包括Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Ecological Economics; Energy Policy; Energy Economics; Energy Journal等。擔任SSCI權威期刊Energy Economics 副主編,Applied Economics副主編,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade領域主編,Economic Analysis and Policy, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,Environmental Science and Pollution Research等客座主編, 客座主編出版的特刊主題包括綠色金融, 能源轉型,及可持續發展等。


While the literature has studied various factors affecting green productivity growth, there is a relative dearth of empirical studies quantitatively analyzing the linkage between green finance development and green productivity. Based on a comprehensive index of green finance development, this research thus employs panel data of 30 China’s provinces for the period 2006-2018 to explore the influence of green finance on green total factor productivity (GTFP), revealing estimation results that green finance development significantly improves the level of green productivity. This beneficial effect tends to be stronger in provinces with higher levels of economic and social conditions, more public participation in environmental protection, and high pollution levels. We also find that implementing a green finance policy can further enhance the impact of green finance development. The empirical results herein offer policy implications to China’s green finance planning and environmental policy.

The contributions of the current research can be summarized as three-fold. First, we fill the gap in the literature on increasing awareness as to the importance of the green economy by exploring the connection between green finance and green productivity. Compared with the standard approach that considers green productivity is a function of scale, technology, and structure, we expand the theoretical framework by adding green finance development as an important influencing factor on GTFP. By doing so, more complete information about the causes of green productivity can be drawn not only from the real sector, but also from the financial sector. Second, compared to previous single-dimensional measures of green finance such as low-carbon financial flows and the amount of green credit or green investment, we extend existing research by introducing a thorough index system of green finance from the perspectives of green-oriented credit, securities, insurance, and investment to explore the role of green finance development on the green economy. The multidimensional index could provide a more complete evaluation on the development of green finance. Third, unlike previous works on traditional productivity that mainly considers good output, we apply the super-SBM model with undesirable output and solve the potential omission problem of energy and environmental constraints.


