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【明理講堂2022年第35期】8-10倫敦大學學院米志付教授:Dirty skies lower China’s subjective well-being





Self-reported life satisfaction of China’s population has not improved as much as expected during the economic boom, which was accompanied by a significant decline in environmental performance. Is environmental pollution the culprit for the lagging subjective well-being? To explore this issue, this paper adopts the sentiment analysis method to construct a real-time daily subjective well-being metric at the city level based on the big data of online search traces. Using daily data from 13 Chinese cities centred on Beijing between August 2014 and December 2019, we look at the correlation between subjective well-being and air pollution and the heterogeneity in this relationship based on two separate identification strategies. We find that air pollutants are negatively correlated with subjective well-being, and well-being tends to decline more from pollution during hot seasons. In addition, residents in wealthier regions tend to be more sensitive to air pollution. This result may be explained by the differences in the subjective perception of air pollution and personal preferences at different levels of income. These findings provide information about the concerns of the public to the central government, thereby helping it take appropriate actions to respond to the dynamics of subjective well-being.


米志付,倫敦大學學院巴特萊特可持續建設學院教授、博士生導師、副院長,倫敦政治經濟學院高級訪問學者。山東大學數學學院學士,偉德國際1946bv官網能源與環境政策研究中心博士。致力于氣候變化經濟與政策研究,成果發表于Lancet、Science子刊、Nature子刊等國際知名期刊。入選福布斯歐洲“30位30歲以下”精英榜單和科睿唯安“高被引科學家”,榮獲倫敦大學學院杰出科研導師獎(全校每年1位)、世界可持續發展獎、中國百篇最具影響國際學術論文獎、Energy Economics最佳論文獎、Environmental Research Letters最佳青年學者論文獎、 Applied Energy高被引原創論文獎等。擔任SSCI期刊Structural Change and Economic Dynamics(IF: 5.059)共同主編。
